Full–Funnel MeasurementTransform Data Into Insights

Go Beyond MQL’s to Fully Understand Your Sales Pipeline and Bridge Gaps Between Sales and Marketing by Working in the Same System
Full-Funnel Visibility

Gain full visibility into your sales and marketing funnel. Full Circle Insights enables you to track every step of the customer journey with detailed funnels that drive more leads. Easily view your pipeline and optimize campaigns for maximum impact.

Better Data – Better Decisions

Complete Customization

Completely customizable dashboards that are designed to transform complex data into actionable insights. Identify what works, where you need to make adjustments, what needs a little attention, and the best options for optimization.

Better Hand–Offs

Comprehensive funnels, directly from Salesforce data highlight volume, stage conversion, stage velocity, and more. Measure your funnels to drive alignment and create partnerships across go-to-market teams.

Optimize Your Efforts

Visualize the entire customer journey and determine what drives leads. Full-funnel measurement gives you the tools you need to allocate resources efficiently and drive tangible results you can attribute to funnels from day one.

Full–Funnel Measurement

Full-funnel measurement transforms complexity into clarity. Customizable, at-a-glance dashboards provide visibility into marketing and sales funnels, empowering you to make smart, informed choices.

In the example above, you can see key funnel metrics like volume, conversion rate, and velocity at a glance. Metrics in green meet or exceed your target. Yellow metrics are approaching the target, and red metrics are below it.

Full–Funnel Measurement

When you use Full Circle Insights for funnel measurement, you stop overwriting historical data because our product stores this data on the Campaign Member – meaning that as a lead reaches the end of the funnel, all activity stays in the historical record. This enables you to make informed predictions on conversions, velocity, disqualified reasons, and more.

For example, the middle graph above shows an unusually fast MQL to SAL velocity at the same time as a spike in MQLs. This could be an indicator of several things, including a sales team that needs help keeping up with lead response, or a marketing change that resulted in questionable leads.

Full–Funnel Measurement

As a Salesforce-native product, Full Circle Insights shows you which campaigns generate new leads, qualify existing ones, and drive MQLs — all without disrupting automation, interrupting sales processes, or wasting time on clunky spreadsheets. You have complete control to customize reports and segment data in ways that make sense for your business.

Make it easier to plan marketing strategy with native Salesforce reports like the one above, which breaks down funnel velocity and conversion rates by month. Quite an MQL spike in February!

Full–Funnel Measurement

Using Full Circle Insights, Salesforce’s Campaign Member object acts as a hub of funnel tracking information. Updates to your leads, contacts, and opportunity progression drive progress through the funnel and date-stamps that progress as it happens.

Native Salesforce Full–Funnel Solution

Native Salesforce Full–Funnel Solution

Full Circle Insights works within your Salesforce instance, enabling a cleaner, clearer picture of your marketing efforts. Get a detailed view of the key performance metrics that help you make informed, targeted marketing decisions.

Truly Insightful Data

Truly Insightful Data

Tell powerful stories backed by data. Full Circle Insights gives you the tools to optimize campaigns, measure impact, and plan with clear reporting capabilities. You’ll have confidence and a complete understanding of how marketing creates leads and drives revenue.

Discover All the WaysFull Circle Insights Can Help You




Campaign Attribution


Web-Session Tracking


Account-Based Marketing

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Secrets of Marketing Ops

What are the secrets of marketing ops? How do they seemingly do it all? Join us for this live webinar to find out.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024
10AM PT, 12PM CT, 1PM ET

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