Believe it or not, it’s that time of year again.

Annual planning is a huge undertaking – laying out strategy and tactics to achieve your goals in the new year. But where should you start?

Start with the Full Circle Method: Planning, Achieving, Optimizing, and Evaluating. At the intersection of strategy, planning, and measurement, these four steps will help you study your breakthroughs and busts from last year and apply those insights to plan for an amazing next year. 

Come learn how successful companies have leveraged this data-driven framework to optimize their strategy, powered by funnel metrics and attribution data.

After this session, you will be ready to:

  • Derive insights from past campaign performance to plan next year’s campaigns
  • Layout a 4-part strategy to reach your goals
  • Create a marketing budget to support your annual objectives

With these tools, dive into your annual planning with confidence – following practical next steps and a proven success strategy.

Thank you for viewing
“How To Leverage Funnel Metrics and Attribution
Data For Your 2019 Planning.”