Attribution Modeling | Full Circle InsightsEasily Get Answers to Your Attribution Questions in Salesforce

Go beyond MQL’s and create custom multi-touch attribution models that show exactly where leads originate so you can accurately measure ROAS and ROI, segment audiences to identify trends, and track pipeline – even previously unknown sessions

First-Touch, Last-Touch, and Everything In-Between

Showcase the Value of Your Work, Estimate Revenue Growth, Measure KPIs, and Align Across Teams with Full Circle’s Completely Customizable Attribution Modeling

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Visualize the Customer Journey

Get the most detailed, accurate view of the customer journey you’ve ever seen with DIY attribution models and funnels. Connect previously unknown sessions, offline events, and pre-Full Circle data within Salesforce to easily build comprehensive reports you control.

megaphone and gear icon (teal)

Align Marketing and Sales

Build bridges between teams with a unified data source. With a complete connection between prospects and campaign data, you’ll finally reveal true attribution and have the ability to build funnels and produce campaigns that deliver results – together.

Measure Pipeline Speed

Predict revenue and ROI with easy-to-build reports and dashboards that enable marketing and sales teams to measure what drives prospects through your funnel and how quickly they get to closed-won – all directly in Salesforce.

Know Exactly How Much Revenue Your Campaigns Drive

Evaluate what works and what you need to cut loose without second-guessing yourself.

Watch your data come to life and make confident, data- driven decisions.

Prove the Value of Your Marketing Strategy

Run multiple models at one time and swap them out easily to determine influence.

Discover what campaigns and campaign types deliver results.

Clean, Summarized, Easy-to-Evaluate Data

Compare across opportunities, contacts, accounts, campaigns, and leads.

Easily determine what generates opportunities and converts.

Identify Trends to Scale Faster

All your data in a central location helps you dig in and discover trends and patterns to understand what influences your customers from stage-to-stage.

Optimize your marketing and sales strategy and set goals to scale with confidence.

5CampaignAttributionBestPracticesforMarketingSuccess_fullCircleInsights Get to Know Full Circle Insights Target with arrow

Campaign Attribution:
Best Practices for Marketing Success

How Can Full Circle Help You?

two triangles pointing toward each other, dotted line in middle

Salesforce Native

As the only Salesforce native data platform, Full Circle Insights ensures your data maintains the highest level of privacy security protocols because you never have to leave Salesforce. Use Salesforce standard reporting to align across teams and tap into existing skills and experience to reach your time-to-value faster.
customize dashboards and attribution models icon_Full Circle Insights

Unified Data Structure

Gain a comprehensive understanding of which campaigns work and which don’t by closing the gap between campaign data, prospects, opportunities, and leads. With Full Circle Insights, you have complete control over data, putting the power and flexibility in your hands to build custom attribution models and funnels with confidence.

Blue Bar Graph with arrow pointing up

Historical Tracking

Finally, get accurate attribution and uncover where and when leads actually originate with historical tracking. Because Full Circle Insights works within Salesforce, you can accurately track the entire customer journey - including previously unknown sessions and pre-Full Circle implementation.
rocket ship

Customizable Attribution Modeling

Use data from a single, trusted source to customize attribution models that help you align across teams to quickly build forecasts and plan campaigns that work. Full Circle Insights makes it easy to build your own attribution models and lets you decide how to score and weigh touchpoints, so you never have to wait for the answers you need to produce results.

Attribution Modeling

Bring Your Salesforce Data Full Circle
  • Run three simultaneous attribution models
  • Customize single-touch and multi-touch attribution models
  • Specify model weighting and criteria through user-interface
  • Set look-back time frame for first-touch attribution
  • Create an unlimited number of attribution models
  • Advanced multi-touch attribution models
  • Attribute campaign engagement at the account level and contacts within opportunities
  • Create opportunity-based customer journey maps and perform cohort analysis
  • Match lead dispositions with specific campaigns
  • Flexible lead qualification using programmatic scoring as well as offline or one-off sales touchpoints

Make Targeted Marketing Decisions

Attribution Modeling Turns Salesforce Data Into Your Most Powerful Tool

Salesforce Marketing and Sales Reporting Solution

Salesforce Marketing and Sales Reporting Solution

Full Circle Insights works within your Salesforce instance, enabling a cleaner, clearer picture of your marketing and sales efforts. Get a detailed, custom view of KPIs that help you plan your marketing strategy and make informed decisions.

Truly Insightful Data

Truly Insightful Data

Tell powerful stories backed by data. Full Circle gives you the tools to optimize campaigns, measure impact, and plan with intuitive reports and dashboards in Salesforce. You’ll have confidence in your data and complete alignment with other teams of what efforts create leads so you can scale faster.

What is an Attribution Model?

An Attribution Model is a Rule, or Set of Rules, That Determine Where to Give Credit for Conversions

First-Touch Attribution Model

Gives credit to the first interaction a customer has with the brand or the marketing campaign. It emphasizes brand awareness and initial engagement.
first-touch attribution model example - blue bar graph

Last-Touch Attribution Model

Attributes the entire conversion to the last touchpoint before the customer completes the desired action. It highlights the most recent marketing action that led to the conversion.
last-touch attribution model example - blue bar graph

Multi-Touch Attribution Model

Distributes credit across multiple touchpoints in the customer journey, considering various interactions that influenced the final conversion.
multi-touch attribution model example - blue bar graph
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Get the Attribution Low-Down

Learn More About How Full Circle Can Help YouTake Control of Your Salesforce Data