Full Circle Insights®, Inc., maker of comprehensive sales and marketing performance measurement solutions, announces today that the company is closing out 2021 with major momentum and is positioned for exceptional growth in 2022. By successfully executing its product and growth strategy in 2021, Full Circle Insights set the stage for even higher levels of growth in 2022 as it differentiates its expanding suite of B2B measurement solutions in a rapidly changing marketplace.

A growing business that remains profitable, in 2021 Full Circle Insights:

  • Rolled out the Full Circle Enterprise bundle, combining Response Management with Funnel Metrics, Campaign Attribution, and Digital Source Tracker at a 15% discount over individual product purchases.
  • Enhanced the Digital Source Tracker product with the Journey Explorer, giving marketers a way to visualize the customer journey and map out digital and non-digital prospect touchpoints over time.
  • Hired experienced enterprise SaaS growth leader Kevin Wray as VP of Sales and signed new clients in the software, education, security, manufacturing, HR, martech, and biotech industries.
  • Received accolades for Digital Source Tracker, including being named “Product of the Year” in 2021 Sales and Marketing Technology Awards (The Sammys), named a 2021 BIG Innovation Awards winner in the “Technology Product” category, shortlisted by the 2021/2022 Cloud Awards and picked up Bronze Stevie Award.

“This has been an incredibly productive and successful year for us,” said Full Circle Insights President and CEO Bonnie Crater. “I’m proud of the work we’ve done to help B2B marketing and sales teams thrive in challenging times, and we’re working on new product innovations and partnerships for the year ahead that will extend our unique capabilities in the CRM-native, integrated marketing attribution and funnel metrics technology space. We look forward to sharing more in the months ahead.”

Full Circle Insights recently partnered with CS2 Marketing, a consulting group with in-depth knowledge of the technology and processes that underpin successful B2B marketing operations. Other partnerships are in the works to expand the company’s reach and will be announced in the coming year. Full Circle Insights also plans to enhance integration with popular ad networks to extend detailed digital touchpoint tracking.

Full Circle Insights anticipates its current strong growth will accelerate in 2022 as more B2B marketers adopt account-based marketing (ABM) strategies as a natural extension of the targeting that marketing teams already do to generate leads. Full Circle Insights’ technology is uniquely capable of driving B2B success with ABM since it enables granular performance measurement and reporting using fully integrated marketing and sales data inside the CRM.

The company plans to further extend ABM capabilities in 2022. Enhancements are also planned for Digital Source Tracker to deliver a more detailed look at opportunity sources using new algorithms, and Full Circle Insights plans to add more default attribution models for faster adoption and easier migration paths. Look for more announcements on product enhancements, new capabilities, and partnerships in the coming months.

To find out more about Full Circle Insights, please visit www.fullcircleinsights.com