Denis Pombriant’s blog today describes the first customer to accurately model and report on the SiriusDecsions demand waterfall in Salesforce.  They are doing this using Full Circle Insights. Cudos to Bulldog Solutions!

For me this is a landmark announcement.  I have been a Salesforce user since January 2000 and a proponent of accurately measuring marketing’s contribution to revenue since 2003. Sadly I only recently learned of SiriusDecisions, but have a high level appreciation for their contribution to standardizing best practices for B2B marketers.

I really like the nuance of what Bulldog did with the modeling.  Instead of one funnel (aka waterfall) that includes deals sourced by marketing, sales and telesales, they split it into three separate funnels so they could compare the efficiency of each source, find the bottlenecks and gain insights on increasing velocity.

Full Circle Insights is the secret sauce to all of this and is the product I always wanted as a VP of Marketing. We use Full Circle Insights at our company and it’s exciting how we’re helping other companies do the same.
See you at the SiriusDecisions Summit next week!

Full Circle Team

Author: Full Circle Team

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