Top 5 Insights Your CFO Wants From Marketing


Your CFO is all about money. This means they’re primarily interested in these reports: which marketing efforts drive the most revenue and what is the ROI of the marketing spend? In the Top 5 Insights Your CFO Wants From Marketing ebook, we discuss these reports and more.

Because the CFO is responsible for tracking cash flow and financial planning, he or she wants to understand:

      • Exactly how specific marketing efforts are contributing to revenue
      • What marketing efforts have the best ROI?
      • How can the marketing spend be used more efficiently?

The best way for any marketer to provide this kind of data for the CFO is to track and measure marketing campaigns in the company’s CRM system, such as Salesforce.

When both sales and marketing track and measure their efforts in Salesforce, the CFO and the entire executive team are equipped with one source of truth for all critical metrics across teams.


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