Former Salesforce Execs' New Company Debut

Press Release: Former Salesforce Execs Launch New Company Catering to Salesforce Marketing Users
Full Circle CRM to build marketing response management solution to help Salesforce marketing users measure ROI across their diverse marketing portfolio.
SAN FRANCISCO – SALESFORCE.COM DREAMFORCE – Sept. 4, 2012 – Former executives today announced they have formed a new company, Full Circle CRM Inc., that caters to Salesforce marketing users. Full Circle CRM has designed a new marketing application to help the Salesforce marketing community track every marketing-generated response, and measure the ROI of every marketing campaign and program. The application will be built 100% on the Salesforce platform and be launched at's Dreamforce 2012 conference in San Francisco on September 18th."The world's leading companies use Salesforce and we're passionate about helping marketing users quantify the ROI of all their programs in the Marketing Cloud," said Bonnie Crater, ceo of Full Circle CRM. "Our Marketing Response Management solution will make it easy for marketers using Salesforce to quantify ROI and plan with confidence."Top Expertise in Salesforce and Salesforce Marketing
Advisors to the company also bring strong Salesforce and B2B marketing expertise:
- Adam Gross, brought the Salesforce Platform to market as vice president platform and developer technology at and is currently an adviser to a number of cloud startups.
- Judy Loehr, one of the original product managers at, launched the first Marketing Cloud and Service Cloud capabilities and now is a world-class marketing advisor to B2B cloud companies.
- Laura Ramos is the former leader of Forrester Research's B2B marketing practice. You can follow Laura on her Forrester Research blog.
- Jen Pockell-Wilson is a connected and energetic leader in the B2B marketing arena and currently vice president of marketing and demand operations at Demandbase.
Trends in Marketing MetricsA recent CMO study sponsored by IBM found that, by 2015, the number one method for determining a marketing department's success will be return on investment (ROI). The IBM study also found that most of the 1,734 CMOs they spoke with struggle to get the numbers they need to demonstrate marketing's ROI.Marketing teams run a broad range of programs ranging from new business awareness and social media campaigns to lead nurturing and customer engagement programs. Measuring the contribution of each of these diverse programs to the business in quantifiable terms is complicated.Reporting on the diverse portfolio of lead generation, engagement and nurturing programs requires a new approach centered on tracking every marketing generated response. A response-based solution, such as that provided by the Full Circle CRM application, will allow marketers to track, differentiate and report on the business impact and ROI of each of their programs. With this intelligence, marketing executives can optimize their marketing portfolio and drive more demand.About Full Circle CRMFull Circle CRM gives marketing and sales teams a complete campaign and response lifecycle management solution, ensuring every deal is attributed to the right campaign so you can get accurate ROI and answers all your marketing questions in one place. Our cloud-based product is built 100% on the Salesforce Platform and is pre-integrated with leading marketing automation solutions. All marketing data is in Salesforce and so are the answers.Founded by former executives, product managers, and marketing automa¬tion specialists – we know what it takes to run a successful marketing organization. We are passionate about giving all marketers the answers they need to plan with confidence and grow revenue. Learn more at