As explored in a recent post, it makes sense for most B2B marketers to use an account-based marketing approach instead of response-based marketing. If you’re a B2B marketer, you’re probably selling to accounts that fit into a narrow ideal customer profile, and you’re trying to engage a group of buyers who are researching products independently.  

In that scenario, taking a more targeted approach to accounts with an account-based marketing strategy is almost always the best move. However, there are at least six other important benefits you’ll get when you adopt an ABM approach for your campaigns and track them inside your company’s CRM instance. Here’s a closer look at other ways ABM can improve your operation. 

  1. Achieve better alignment between your sales and marketing teams: Salespeople are focused on accounts instead of individuals, so the metrics you produce for ABM will resonate with your colleagues on the sales side, especially when data is stored, and metrics are shared inside the CRM. The CRM serves as a single source of truth and has broad credibility across the organization  
  2. Track the account funnel separately from the person-based funnel: Most marketers still track responses from individuals as well as accounts because while sales and marketing work together to identify target accounts as part of the ABM strategy, new potential buyers emerge during marketing outreach, so it’s helpful to be able to capture those opportunities too. With ABM, you can track accounts happenings at the same time. 
  3. Identify which target accounts show intent: The development of intent data technology from companies like Bombora is what makes ABM at scale possible. When you’re running multiple ABM campaigns, intent data allows you to identify which accounts are engaging with your marketing content.
  4. Monitor buying group activities: Buying groups range in size from a few people to a dozen or more, and if you’re tracking engagement metrics inside the CRM, you see not just what one person is doing but how the whole buying group is interacting with your content. You can track everyone who influences the buying decision as a group, which is a major advantage in the ABM framework 
  5. Determine which campaigns are driving what deals: An ABM approach lets you see how effective campaigns are at driving outcomes. It goes beyond engagement with accounts and lets you know which campaigns generate closed and won deals at those accounts. This can give you insights to refine your approach to reach specific objectives 
  6. Measure success all in one place: With ABM metrics inside the CRM, you can measure the overall success of your sales and marketing effort, focusing on accounts. You can identify what’s working and what’s not and make changes if necessary to boost your success rate.  

Measuring ABM inside the CRM instance gives you easy access to the data and technology you need to create a mature and efficient ABM program. One huge advantage to this approach is that you can leverage historical data so you can identify and observe trends. So, keep these six bonus benefits in mind, and check out this webinar with Bombora’s Head of ABM, Gabriella Warford, for more insight into how intent data enhances your ABM strategy.  

Save this eBook for later. 

Learn how to measure and engage key accounts, and identify top intent providers to enhance your ABM strategy.

Gavin Griffiths

Author: Gavin Griffiths

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